- The department store went bankrupt, so they closed out their stock.
現在は倒産した: 【形】 now-defunct
評点の大安売り: score inflation
倒産した: 【形】 belly-up〈俗〉
その会社は今朝、倒産したのよ。: The company went bankrupt this morning.
大安売り: 大安売り おおやすうり special bargain sale
会社が倒産したので、仕事を探さなければならない: I have to look for a job, since my company busted up.
倒産した会社: 1. company in bankruptcy 2. deceased company
倒産した銀行: now-defunct bank
大安売りする: 1. sell ~ at a giveaway price 2. sell ~ at a greatly reduced price 3. sell ~ dirt cheap〔~を〕
大安売りの品: goods on offer at a giveaway price
歳末大安売り: 1. year-end special bargain 2. year-end special sale
セルフサービス安売り百貨店: self-service discount department store〔 【略】 SSDDS〕
倒産した航空会社: now-defunct airline
不況も手伝って、その会社は結局倒産した。: The recession being a contributing negative factor, the company ended up going bankrupt.
大手百貨店の倒産: collapse of the department store chain