- The statement had a modicum of veracity.
そのばい菌はほんの少しの物質にくっついた: The bacteria attached to tiny bits of matter.
彼女はほんの少ししかお金を持っていなかった: She had a little money with her.
ほんの少し 1: 1. as little as possible 2. beans 3. bittock 4. but few 5. enough to swear by 6. fraction 7. just a little (bit) 8. just a tad 9. smidgen / smidgeon / smitch 10. smidgin 11. stitch〈話〉 12. very littl
ほんの少しの~: 1. ghost of 2. tiny bits of ほんの少しの 1 1. a shade of 2. but few 3. jot or tittle 4. smidgen of 5. teensy bit of〈話〉 ほんの少しの 2 【形】 marginal
ほんの少しも: least bit
ほんの少し前: just a short while ago
店には今日、ほんの少しの客しか来なかった: The store had only a handful of customers today.
ほんの少しずつ: in little increments
ほんの少しだけ: 1. just a titch 2. just wet the bottom of the glass
ほんの少しでも: even a little
ほんの少しの 1: 1. a shade of 2. but few 3. jot or tittle 4. smidgen of 5. teensy bit of〈話〉 ほんの少しの 2 【形】 marginal ほんの少しの~ 1. ghost of 2. tiny bits of
ほんの少しの刺激: slightest provocation
ほんの少しの危険: slight danger
ほんの少しの塵: fleck of dust
ほんの少しの挑発: slightest provocation