- It's the largest difference between the two countries.
それが最大の問題点だ。: It is a main point of view.
~間の相違点を示す: show someone the difference between〔人に〕
その2人の人間の相違点: difference between the two people〔しばしば複数形 differences で〕
両者の相違点: difference between the two people〔しばしば複数形 differences で〕
両国間の: 【形】 bilateral
両国間の和: friendship between the two nations
両国間の停戦: likelihood of a truce between the two countries
aとbの相違点と類似点: difference and similarity between
相違点: 相違点 そういてん (points of) difference
両国間の協力関係: cooperative bilateral partnership
両国間の協調関係: cooperative bilateral relations
両国間の国交樹立: establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries
両国間の国民交流: exchange among the two peoples
コミュニケーションでの最大の問題はそれが成し遂げられたという錯覚である。: The greatest problem in communication is the illusion that it has been accomplished.〔英国の劇作家?批評家ジョージ?バーナード?ショー(1856-1950)の言葉〕
~間の利害の相違: divergence of interests between