That has sort of shifted my perception of the world.
別の意味で変化させる: shift ~ in another way〔~を〕 それが私の発疹を悪化させている: It's aggravating my rash. ある意味で: 1. by some way 2. in a [one] sense 3. in a certain sense 4. in some senses 5. in some ways 6. to one extent or another ある意味では: 1. in a manner 2. in a manner of speaking〈文〉 3. in a way 4. in certain way 5. in one way 6. in some aspects 7. in some ways 8. in the sense of the word ある意味では[いくつかの点では]それは私のものよりも立派だ[素晴らしい]。: In some ways it's nicer than mine. 対する(人)のとらえ方を変える: change someone's attitude toward〔~に〕 関して強気のとらえ方をする: offer upbeat view of〔~に〕 ある意味で正しい: right in a way それが私の感想だ。: That's how I feel. ますます世界の工場へと変化させる: transform ~ more and more into the workshop of the world〔~を〕 一般のとらえ方では: according to popular apprehension 後ろ向きのとらえ方: negative view 日本的な物のとらえ方: Japanese way of looking at things 自分自身のとらえ方: someone's feeling about himself〔人の〕 近ごろのとらえ方では: according to a recent definition