すぐ頭に思い浮かぶこと: immediate assumption 心に思い浮かぶ: conjure (up) the image of〔~が〕 脳裏に思い浮かぶ: come up to mind [someone's brain]〔人の〕 頭に思い浮かぶ: come up to mind [someone's brain]〔人の〕 思い浮かぶ: 思い浮かぶ おもいうかぶ to occur to to remind of すぐ思い浮かぶのはそれだけです: That's the only thing off the top of my head. 心に特に思い浮かぶ: stand out in someone's mind〔人の〕 真っ先に思い浮かぶ: come uppermost 新たな難題が(人)の頭に思い浮かぶ: a new difficulty comes into someone's head 真っ先に頭に思い浮かぶこと: the first thing that comes to one's mind 真っ先に頭に思い浮かぶもの: the first thing that comes to one's mind 頭に(主語が)思い浮かぶ: enter someone's head〔人の〕 すぐ思い浮かべる: come readily to mind すぐに頭に浮かぶ: immediately pop into one's head〔考えが〕 鮮やかに思い浮かべる: vividly imagine ~ again〔~を〕