~はもちろん: 1. let alone〔 【用法】 名詞?前置詞句?述部?不定詞?分詞?節などを従える〕 2. not just [merely, only]
あら、もちろんそれはそうよ。: Oh, of course it does.
bはもちろんaも: as well as〔A as well as Bの形で〕
~はもちろんだが: never mind
共同事業当時はもちろんそれ以前から: during the days of the joint venture and before
共同事業当時はもちろんそれ以前も: during the days of the joint venture and before
もちろん。それは彼の注意を引くと思うよ。: Without a doubt.
~はもちろんのことである: It goes without saying that
「幸せ?」「もちろん!」: "Are you happy?" "Am I ever!"
はい、もちろん。: Yes, of course.
もちろん: もちろん 勿論 of course certainly naturally
もちろん 1: 1. as a matter of course 2. beyond controversy 3. beyond doubt 4. beyond question 5. in course 6. my (colonial) oath 7. needless to add 8. needless to say 9. not to speak of 10. nothing to it 11. of
もちろん。: 1. Definitely. 2. Of course. もちろん 1 1. as a matter of course 2. beyond controversy 3. beyond doubt 4. beyond question 5. in course 6. my (colonial) oath 7. needless to add 8. needless to say 9. no
もちろんさ!: Of course I did!
もちろんだ: 【間投】 shitsure〈卑〉