投票できる: 【形】 votable
複投票: plural vote
不在者投票で投票する: vote by absentee ballot
選挙で投票する: 1. cast a vote in an election 2. vote in an election
投票で選挙する: elect by ballot
都市部の選挙区では: in city constituencies
複投票権: plural vote
重複投票: multiple voting
大統領選挙の第1回投票で: in the first round of the presidential election
決選投票で~選挙に勝つ: win the ~ race in runoff
秘密投票で選挙する: elect by secret ballot
住民投票で: in the referendum
国民投票で: 1. by plebiscite 2. by referendum 3. in the referendum
投票で選ぶ: 1. choose by a ballot 2. elect by ballot
無投票で: 1. without a contest 2. without voting