take care to send one's manuscripts to the editor as soon as possible
あの医者に電話をかけて、できるだけ早く来るように頼んで: Give the doctor a (phone) call and ask him to come as soon as possible. できるだけ早く: 1. as early as possible 2. as quickly as possible 3. as rapidly as possible 4. as soon as allowed 5. as soon as maybe 6. as soon as one can 7. as soon as possible〔略して ASAP(「エイエスエイピー」または「エイセァップ」)と言うこ彼はあなたにできるだけ早くそこを離れるように言った: He said for you to leave as soon as possible. できるだけ早く商談をまとめるよう(人)に命じる: tell someone to close a deal as quickly as possible できるだけ早く(人)に契約書を送る: send someone the contract as soon as possible 新しい原稿を編集者に手渡すときの作家の不安: writer's worry when he hands over new manuscripts to his editor できるだけ早く接続を切るよう[オフラインにするよう]お勧めします。: My advice is to make sure that you are off-line as soon as possible. その後できるだけ早く: as soon thereafter as possible できるだけ早く出荷する: ship at the first available opportunity できるだけ早く酔う: get drunk in the shortest possible time できるだけ早く~から逃れる: get away from ~ as fast as one can できるだけ早く~から離れる: get away from ~ as fast as one can できるだけ早く~を買う: buy ~ at earliest opportunity 後で参照できるように~にマークを付ける: mark ~ for future reference できるだけ早く(主語)宛に取消不能信用状を開設するよう(人)に要請する: request someone to open an irrevocable L/C in one's favor as soon as possible