I think English newspapers aren't very reader-friendly because news stories are featured on two separated pages.
あっ、つけちゃった。お醤油のシミってとりにくいんだよなあ。: Oops, I spilled soy sauce on my clothes. It's going to be hard to remove. 読みにくい: 【形】 unreadable 英字新聞: 英字新聞 えいじしんぶん English-language newspaper この間英字新聞の記事を読んだら、全部理解できた。: The other day, I read a whole article in an English-language newspaper, and understood it. 百害あって一利無しってのはよく分かっているんだけど、やめられないんだよな、たばこ……: I know that smoking does me absolutely no good, but I can't stop... 掃除をやる時間がどうしても取れないんだよな。ほら、オレ働いてるか寝てるかのどっちかだろ。: I just can't take any time for cleaning. You know, I'm either working or sleeping. あっちもこっちも: right and left〔日本語の「左右」と語順が逆〕 食堂で食べ始めたからかなあ… なんでもしょっぱいんだよな、あそこ。: I started eating at the cafeteria. That maybe why... Everything is salty there! フォントサイズが小さ過ぎて読みにくい。: Font size is too small and difficult to read. 読みにくい〔文字が〕: 【形】 cramped 読みにくい悪筆: illegible scribble 読みにくい筆跡: 1. cramped hand 2. cramped handwriting 3. illegible hand 4. illegible handwriting 5. unreadable handwriting 今朝の新聞に興味深い記事があった: There was an interesting article in the paper this morning. れいにくいっち: れいにくいっち 霊肉一致 unity of body and spirit 駅の新聞売り場に何種類か英字新聞があるよ: There's a newsstand at the station with some English papers.