- basic economic problem of
大きな経済問題: economic problem of great proportions
重大な経済問題: critical economic problem
選挙戦において決定的な経済問題: defining economic issue of the election campaign
経済の基本的争点: fundamental issues of economies
基本的な問題: 1. fundamental issue 2. fundamental problem 3. gut issue 4. underlaying problems
基本的な経済再活性化戦略: basic economic revitalization strategy
基本的な経済的価値を引き上げる: improve the underlying economic value
議論の基本的な点: basic points of discussion
深刻な経済問題がある: There are substantial economic challenges.
経済の基本的な成長力を高める: increase the fundamental growth potential of the economy
数多くの基本的な問題に取り組む: address a number of fundamental problems
抜本的な経済改革: sweeping economic reform
経済学の基本的考え方: fundamental ideas of economics
経済学の基本的規範: fundamental precept of economics
経済問題: 経済問題 けいざいもんだい economic problem