- critical economic problem
大きな経済問題: economic problem of great proportions
の基本的な経済問題: basic economic problem of
深刻な経済問題がある: There are substantial economic challenges.
重大な経済利益を守る: protect vital economic interests
重大な経済危機を招く: create a massive economic crisis
経済問題: 経済問題 けいざいもんだい economic problem
深刻な経済問題に悩まされる: be beset by economic problems
選挙戦において決定的な経済問題: defining economic issue of the election campaign
社会経済問題: social and economic problem
重大な問題: 1. acute problem 2. burning [hot] issue 3. critical issue 4. critical question 5. important problem 6. key question 7. momentous affair 8. problem of great weight 9. serious issue 10. serious proble
重大な経済的脅威をもたらす: pose serious economic threats to〔~に〕
重大な経済的脅威を与える: pose serious economic threats to〔~に〕
世界が直面する大きな経済問題を解決する: resolve the major economic challenges which the world faces
多くの開発途上国における深刻な経済問題: serious economic problems in many developing countries
重大な問題点: serious flaw