彼女はひざが痛い: She has a pain in her knee. ひざがある: 【形】 kneed ひざがしら: ひざがしら 膝頭 kneecap ひざが出る: bag at the knees ひざが弱い: have weak knees ひざが~の: 【形】 kneed ランニングをした後に片方のひざが痛む: have a sore knee after running ここが痛い: 1. I have this ache, right here. 2. have a pain here のどが痛い: have a sore throat〔風邪などで〕 体中が痛い: hurt all over 右目が痛い: My right eye hurts. 後部が痛い: feel [have] (a) pain in [on]〔~の〕 手首が痛い。: My wrist hurts. 歯が痛い: have an aching tooth 歯が痛い。 1. My tooth has been bothering me. 2. My tooth hurts. 歯が痛い。: 1. My tooth has been bothering me. 2. My tooth hurts. 歯が痛い have an aching tooth