体中が痛む: ache all over 背中が痛い: 1. My back aches. 2. have a backache 3. have a sore back 背中が痛い。 I have a backache. 熱で体中が痛んだ: My body ached all over when my fever went up. ああ、背中が痛い~、それに食欲もなくて…: Oh boy, my back hurts, and I don't have any appetite... 体中が痒い: itch all over 背中が痛む: have back pains 背中が痛いのは、柔らかいベッドで寝たせいだ: A sore back can result from sleeping on a soft bed. ここが痛い: 1. I have this ache, right here. 2. have a pain here のどが痛い: have a sore throat〔風邪などで〕 ひざが痛い: have an owie on one's knee〔 【参考】 owie〕 右目が痛い: My right eye hurts. 後部が痛い: feel [have] (a) pain in [on]〔~の〕 手首が痛い。: My wrist hurts. 歯が痛い: have an aching tooth 歯が痛い。 1. My tooth has been bothering me. 2. My tooth hurts. 歯が痛い。: 1. My tooth has been bothering me. 2. My tooth hurts. 歯が痛い have an aching tooth