Oh boy, my back hurts, and I don't have any appetite...
背中が痛い: 1. My back aches. 2. have a backache 3. have a sore back 背中が痛い。 I have a backache. 背中が痛む: have back pains 体中が痛い: hurt all over 「頭が痛いんです。それによく眠れなくて」「それならこれが最適ですよ。頭痛と不眠症の両方に効きます。」: "I have a headache, and I can't sleep very well." "Then this would be the drug of choice! This works for both headache and insomnia." ああ、腰が痛いわ…: Oh, my back hurts... 背中が痛いのは、柔らかいベッドで寝たせいだ: A sore back can result from sleeping on a soft bed. 背中が痛くなる 1: give someone backaches 背中が痛くなる 2 get an owie on someone's back〔 【参考】 owie〕〔人の〕 背中が痛みます。: I have a pain in my back.《旅/病気/説明する》 ブレンダは背中が痛いのをマットレスのせいにしている: Brenda blames her sore back on her mattress. 食欲がなくて: off (one's) feed 重い荷物を運んだので背中が痛む。: My back hurts from lifting heavy loads. 飛行機の座席は背中が痛くなる: Airplane seats give me backaches. それを考えると頭が痛い: When I think about it, my head aches. それに、家から出なくていいしね。: And you don't have to leave your house. 「彼は心臓の病気なんですよ」「ああ、それで……。何とも胸が痛い話だなあ……。あっ、しゃれじゃないです」: "He is suffering from heart disease." "Oh, so that's why... Such a heart-wrenching story... Er, pun not intended."