- He never does a stroke of work.
ほんの少しの~: 1. ghost of 2. tiny bits of ほんの少しの 1 1. a shade of 2. but few 3. jot or tittle 4. smidgen of 5. teensy bit of〈話〉 ほんの少しの 2 【形】 marginal
ほんの少しの 1: 1. a shade of 2. but few 3. jot or tittle 4. smidgen of 5. teensy bit of〈話〉 ほんの少しの 2 【形】 marginal ほんの少しの~ 1. ghost of 2. tiny bits of
ほんの少しの刺激: slightest provocation
ほんの少しの危険: slight danger
ほんの少しの塵: fleck of dust
ほんの少しの挑発: slightest provocation
ほんの少しの時間: only a fraction of the time
ほんの少しの暇に: 1. at odd moments 2. at odd times
ほんの少しの期間: only a fraction of the time
ほんの少しの犠牲: small price to pay [play]
ほんの少しの言及: passing reference
ほんの少しの距離: not far at all
ほんの少しの遅れ: slight delay
ほんの少しの間: just for a little while
ほんの少しもない: not a grain of