興味深いと思う: find ~ interesting〔~を〕 刺激的で興味深いと思う: find ~ provocative and interesting〔~が〕 この情報は読者にとってとりわけ興味深いと思う。: I think this information is especially interesting to our readers. 私が面白い[興味深い]と思うのは(that以下)です。: It's of interest to me that イギリスのジャーナリズムで新聞が全体に人気が高いのは興味深いと思う。: I'm curious about the overall popularity of newspaper journalism in England. 自分が知りたいと思う専門知識を持った興味深い人々と知り合うことはとても大切である。: Hooking up with interesting people who have expertise that you'd like to know about is very important. 自分を興味深い人間に見せる: make oneself seem interesting 興味深い: 興味深い きょうみぶかい very interesting of great interest 興味深い 1: 【形】 1. absorbing 2. challenging 3. interesting 興味深い 2 be of interest to〔~にとって〕 興味深い事: a matter of deep interest ab間には興味深い違いがかなりたくさんあると思う: think there are very many interesting differences between 大変興味深い: be of great interest 格別興味深い: of exceptional interest 興味深い仕事: interesting task 興味深い体験: interesting experience