- Why don't you take George up to his room and Jess and I will fix something to eat?
食事の用意をする: 1. fix a meal〈米話〉 2. get a meal ready 3. lay the cloth 4. prepare a meal
2階へ案内する: lead the way upstairs
_人分の食事の用意をする: set [lay, spread] the table for
案内してあげるよ。: I'll show you. {1}
お茶の用意をする: put the kettle on for tea
万一の用意をする: prepare for an emergency
出発の用意をする: get ready for starting
夕食の用意をする: 1. get dinner ready 2. get supper 3. prepare dinner
宴会の用意をする: arrange a banquet
戦闘の用意をする: gird oneself for battle
朝食の用意をする: prepare breakfast
訴追の用意をする: prepare a prosecution
逃亡の用意をする: ready oneself for escape
防寒の用意をする: 1. make provision against the cold 2. make provision for the cold 3. take precautions against the cold
食卓の用意をする: 1. fix a table 2. lay the cloth 3. set the dining table