- Dan is someone who fits the bill perfectly.
期待に沿う 1: 1. come through 2. deliver the goods 3. fit [fill] the bill 4. fulfill expectations 5. measure up to expectation 6. produce the goods 期待に沿う 2 【形】 acceptable 期待に沿う 3 deliver on〔~について〕 期待に沿う 4 1.
人の期待に沿う: come up to (one's) expectation〔複数形の expectations になる場合もある〕
我々の期待に沿う: measure up to our expectations
期待に沿う結果: result in line with expectations
国際社会の期待に沿う: meet the expectations of international society
期待に沿うことはまず無理だと思う: feel completely unable to measure up to expectations
期待に沿うことはまず無理だと感じる: feel completely unable to measure up to expectations
期待に沿うように最善を尽くす: do one's best to live up to someone's expectations〔人の〕
猛烈に努力して(人)の期待に沿う: make ardent efforts to meet someone's expectation
猛烈に頑張って(人)の期待に沿う: make ardent efforts to meet someone's expectation
誠心誠意努力して(人)の期待に沿う: make ardent efforts to meet someone's expectation
誠心誠意頑張って(人)の期待に沿う: make ardent efforts to meet someone's expectation
期待に沿わない: come short of one's expectation
に沿う: live up to〔期待など〕
国民の期待に沿って: in line with the expectations of the people