No seconds on the chicken for me, thanks. I'm saving room for dessert.
お代わりは結構です。: No seconds for me. お代わりはいかがですか? 1: Would you like to have a second helping? お代わりはいかがですか? 2 1. Would you like another one? 2. Would you like some more?〔店員が客に;《旅/食事/お代わり》〕 どなたかお代わりはいかがですか: Does anyone care for seconds? (食事の)お代わりはもらえますか?: Can I have seconds? 私は結構です: not for me ビールのお代わりをもらえますか?: Can I have another glass of beer, please?〔レストランで〕 酒のお代わり: the other half〈英俗〉 はい10ドルです。お釣りは結構です。: Here's ten dollars. (You can) keep the change. お代わりを頂けますか? 1: May I have another helping, please? お代わりを頂けますか? 2 Can I get a refill?《レストラン》 それは結構ですね: It's good to know that. 弁償は結構です: You don't need to compensate me for this. はい、それで結構です。それでお幾らかかりますか。: Yeah, that'll be fine. How much do you charge for that? コーヒーをもう1杯いただけますか?/コーヒーのお代わりを頂けますか?: Can I have another cup of coffee? お茶のお代わり: cupper-nuser〈豪〉 紅茶のお代わり: cupper-nuser〈豪〉