戦争行為を犯す: commit an act of war 暴力行為を犯す: commit acts of violence 越権行為を犯す: perform an ultravires act 違反行為を犯す: commit an infraction 違法行為を犯す: act illegally テロ行為をなくす: eliminate terrorism テロ行為をやめる: 1. halt acts of terror 2. renounce terrorism テロ行為を受ける: suffer acts of terror テロ行為を行う: 1. carry out acts of terrorism 2. commit terrorist acts 権限外の行為を犯す: perform an ultravires act 許されざる行為を犯す: commit an unforgivable act 違法な財務行為を犯す: commit illegal financial acts テロ行為をけしかける: abet terrorism テロ行為をやめさせる: halt terrorist acts テロ行為を強く非難する: strongly condemn the acts of terrorism