- perpetrate acts of terrorism
- テロ テロ terror terrorism
- 行為 行為 こうい act deed conduct
- 犯す 犯す おかす to commit to perpetrate to violate to rape
- す す 州 sandbank 酢 vinegar 巣 nest rookery breeding place beehive cobweb den haunt
- テロ行為 1. Schrecklichkeit 2. act of terror 3. act of terrorism 4. terrorism 5.
- 戦争行為を犯す commit an act of war
- 暴力行為を犯す commit acts of violence
- 越権行為を犯す perform an ultravires act
- 違反行為を犯す commit an infraction
- 違法行為を犯す act illegally
- テロ行為をなくす eliminate terrorism
- テロ行為をやめる 1. halt acts of terror 2. renounce terrorism
- テロ行為を受ける suffer acts of terror
- テロ行為を行う 1. carry out acts of terrorism 2. commit terrorist acts
- 権限外の行為を犯す perform an ultravires act