- Van Gogh is famous for his paintings of sunflowers.
有名な画家: 1. famous artist 2. famous painter 3. noted artist 4. noted painter 5. well-known painter
世界的に有名な画家: artist of worldwide fame
著名な画家: celebrated painter
ひまわり: ひまわり 向日葵 sunflower
ひまわり油: sunflower oil
という有名な理論: well-known theory which says that〔that以下〕
という有名な説: well-known theory which says that〔that以下〕
ひまわり星雲: Sunflower Nebula〔水瓶座にあるらせん星雲(NGC7295)の別名〕
私はある有名な画家と知り合いになった。: I made the acquaintance of a famous painter.
不便で有名な: notoriously unwieldy
市場で有名な: well-known in the market
~(という作品)で第_回直木賞を受賞する: win the __ Naoki Prize for〔__の部分には序数が入る〕
ゴッホの絵が高いのは、それがゴッホ作だという事実による。: The high price of Van Gogh's paintings is attributed to the fact that they were painted by Van Gogh.
スラム街で有名な: 【形】 ghetto-celeb
世界規模で有名な: world renowned