- Van Gogh is famous for his paintings of sunflowers.
- バン バン bun van (caravan) VAN (value-added network)
- ひま ひま 暇 閑 free time leisure leave spare time farewell 蓖麻 castor oil plant
- わり わり 割 割り rate ratio proportion percentage profit assignment 10% unit of ten
- とい とい 問い question query 樋 water pipe gutter
- いう いう 謂う is referred to as... is called... 言う 云う to say
- 作品 作品 さくひん work opus performance production
- 有名 有名 ゆうめい fame
- 画家 画家 がか painter artist
- だ だ 拿 arrest capture 兌 exchange 堕 degenerating lapsing into 儺 exorcism
- まわり まわり 回り 周り circumference surroundings circulation 廻り rotation
- という という と言う said called thus
- 有名な 有名な adj. 〔名高い, 名の通った, よく知られた〕 **famous 【S】
- ひまわり ひまわり 向日葵 sunflower
- 有名な画家 1. famous artist 2. famous painter 3. noted artist 4. noted painter 5.
- 有名な画家 1. famous artist 2. famous painter 3. noted artist 4. noted painter 5. well-known painter