In our hotel room, we had to endure the din of the heavy traffic in the street all night long.
ホテルの部屋: 1. hotel room 2. room in a hotel ホテルの部屋の鍵: hotel key ホテルの部屋代: 1. charge for a hotel room 2. price of hotel rooms 街の騒音を遮る: block out the noise of the city 「日本は、」彼は言った。「耐え難きを耐えねばならない」: "Japan," He said, "Would have to endure the unendurable." 彼は、家族を養うために農場の働き手にならねばならなかった。: He had to sell his manpower in the farm to secure the subsistence of his family. 彼は、その映画を撮るための資金を調達しに行かねばならなかった。: He had to go out and raise some money to make the movie. ホテルの部屋にいる: be in a hotel room ホテルの部屋にこもる: stick in a hotel room ホテルの部屋を予約する: 1. book a hotel room 2. reserve a hotel room ホテルの部屋を提供する: accommodate in a hotel room ホテルの部屋を調べる: check out a hotel room ホテルの部屋を買い切る: 1. book all the rooms at a hotel 2. reserve all the rooms at a hotel 宿泊中のホテルの部屋: room in the hotel where one is staying 滞在中のホテルの部屋: room in the hotel where one is staying