Poster graphics are a very difficult form of art work.
これは非常に難しい決断だ。: This is a very difficult decision to make. 私は非常に難しい立場にある。: I'm in very difficult territory. 非常に難しい 1: 1. as easy as spearing an eel with a spoon 2. as hard as fuck〈卑〉 非常に難しい 2 【形】 herculean〔時に Herculean〕 非常に難しい 3 take some [a lot of] doing〔~するのは〕 非常に難しいこと: fun and games〈反語〉 事業を営むのは非常に難しいという現実: fact that it's really hard to have a business in〔~で〕 事業を行うのは非常に難しいという現実: fact that it's really hard to have a business in〔~で〕 ~でビジネスを営むのは非常に難しいという現実: fact that it's really hard to have a business in ~でビジネスを行うのは非常に難しいという現実: fact that it's really hard to have a business in 満足させるという非常に難しい芸当を行うよう(人)に依頼する: ask someone to perform the very difficult trick of satisfying〔人を〕 満足させるという非常に難しい芸当を行うよう(人)に頼む: ask someone to perform the very difficult trick of satisfying〔人を〕 予測が非常に難しい: 【形】 volatile 非常に難しい状況にある: be in a terribly difficult position 非常に難しい立場にある: be in a terribly difficult position 非常に難しい要求を課す: make some very strenuous demands on〔人に〕 ポスター画家: poster artist