- make the achievement of a certain rate of rising prices a financial policy
物価上昇率の目標を設定する: set a target inflation rate
物価上昇率: 1. commodity price growth rate 2. inflation rate 3. percentage change in prices 4. rate of increase in prices 5. rate of price increase
金融政策のみで物価を上昇させる: raise prices using monetary policy alone
毎年の物価上昇率に合わせて~を値上げする: increase ~ each year in line with inflation
消費者物価上昇率: rate of increase in consumer price index
一定の目的: definite objective
物価上昇率を差し引いて調整する: adjust for inflation
物価上昇をプラスにする: turn the price growth rate plus
毎年の消費者物価上昇率: year-on-year increases in consumer prices
規定された物価上昇率: specified rate of price increases
金融政策の中立性: neutrality of monetary policy
金融政策の変更: 1. alteration of financial policy 2. relaxation of the monetary policy
金融政策の復活: revival of monetary policy
金融政策の道具: tools of monetary policy
一定の物価水準: given price level