- work very hard and make it as
一生懸命に頑張る: pull hard
一生懸命になる: put one's heart (and soul) into〔~に〕
切り抜けようと一生懸命に頑張る: work around〔~を〕
懸命に頑張る: 1. beat one's brains (out) 2. sweat blood〔 【直訳】 血の汗をかく〕
理解しようと一生懸命になる: work very hard on trying to understand〔~を〕
一生懸命に 1: 1. all one knows 2. at full speed 3. by (all one's) might and main 4. with all one's might (and main) 5. with heart and soul 一生懸命に 2 【副】 flat-out
一生懸命頑張る: 1. break one's neck 2. put [set] one's shoulder to the wheel〔 【語源】 溝や沼にはまった荷車を引き上げるときに車輪(wheel)に肩(shoulder)をあてて押す様子から〕
一生懸命にする 1: knuckle down 一生懸命にする 2 put elbow grease into〔~を〕
一生懸命にやる: 1. do one's utmost 2. knuckle down 3. try as hard as one can
一生懸命に働く: 1. keep [have, put, hold] one's nose to the grindstone〔グラインドストーンとは砥石のことで、それで粉を挽いたり刃物を研ぐ作業は、まるで鼻を砥石にくっつけるかのようであるところから〕 2. work as hard as one can 3. work hard
一生懸命に始める: knuckle down
一生懸命に漕ぐ: paddle hard
一生懸命に走る: 1. run as fast as one's legs can carry one 2. run for all one is worth
寒い朝に元気を出そうと一生懸命頑張っています。: I'm doing my best to keep up my spirits on a cold morning.
一生懸命考えれば、理解できるようになるって: You'll get there if you think about it hard enough.