- score some brownie points with one's boss
点数を稼ぐ: 点数を稼ぐ てんすうをかせぐ to score points with (a person)
そんな無理して私に点数を稼ぐことはないのに: She doesn't have to try so hard to earn points with me.
最高の点数を得る: win the most points
テストの点数を伸ばす: improve the test score
~等の点で直属上司の評定を受ける: be rated by one's immediate superior on such factors as
各競争者の点数を集計する: tabulate a score for each contestant
上司の日: Boss's Day〔4月第4水曜日の「秘書の日」に対し、上司に米国の記念日。10月16日〕
上司の管理: upward management
上司の許可: superior's clearance
お金を稼ぐ: earn one's money
利鞘を稼ぐ: 利鞘を稼ぐ v. scalp |他|《米略式》(株)を(素早く転売して)利ざやを稼ぐ. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 利鞘)
単位を稼ぐ: earn a credit
外貨を稼ぐ: 1. earn foreign currency 2. earn foreign exchange
大金を稼ぐ: 1. conjure up tons of money〔不思議な力、魔法で〕 2. earn a bomb 3. earn huge amounts of money 4. earnt a packet 5. make a bomb 6. make a lot of money 7. make a million 8. make a packet 9. make a pile of money
得点を稼ぐ: score good points