Thanks to the unstinting aid received from the world community the victims are beginning to rebuild their lives.
ひとえに惜しみない支援のおかげで: primarily due to the unstinting support 惜しみない支援を受けたおかげで: due to the unstinting support received from〔人から〕 お手伝いいただいたおかげで、期限前に仕事が完成しました: Thanks to your help, we could round off the work before the deadline. ~のおかげで: 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of ~のおかげで。 It's thanks to ~のおかげで。: It's thanks to ~のおかげで 1. by grace of 2. by virtue of 3. due to 4. owing to 5. thankful that 6. thanks to 7. under favor of 8. with the aid [assistance, help] of テレビのおかげで、私たちは旅行しなくても世界を見ることができる。: Because of TV we can see the world, even if we don't travel. 巧みな手配のおかげで: thanks to someone's fine arrangement〔人の〕 洪水の被災者たちは、たくさんの人が彼らを助けようとしているのを知って励まされた: The flood victims took heart in the knowledge that so many people wanted to help them. 先日は私たちの家に来ていただいてありがとうございます: We appreciate your visiting us the other day. 私たちのツアーに参加していただいてありがとうございます。: Thank you for joining us on our tour. いただいたメールが文字化けしています: 1. I got a garbled e-mail from you. 2. I got an e-mail from you that was full of garble.《メール》 結婚生活を立て直す: rebuild one's marriage このおかげで: このおかげで because of this thanks to this due to this 神のおかげで: Deo gratias〔 【略】 D.G〕 少なからず~のおかげで: thanks in no small part to