- conduct diplomacy in a manner that completely ignores the general public
外交を行う: conduct diplomacy
世論を無視して: with no regard to public opinion
全面提携の可能性を完全に無視する: rule out the possibility of any full-scale affiliation
完全に無視される: be entirely-ignored by〔~から〕
完全に無視する 1: completely ignore 完全に無視する 2 1. have a complete disregard for 2. utterly ignore〔~を〕 完全に無視する 3 ride [run] roughshod over〔人の感情などを〕
国際世論を無視して: 1. in defiance of international opinion 2. in defiance of world opinion
強靱な外交を行う: carry out robust diplomacy
独立外交を行う: pursue independent diplomacy
独自の外交を行う: conduct one's own diplomacy
こうした外交を実現する: realize this type of diplomacy
国交を完全に断絶する: completely severe diplomatic ties with〔~との〕
完全に無視すること: silent treatment
2国牽制外交を行う: 1. play one country off against another 2. play two countries against each other
積極的な外交を行う: conduct a proactive foreign policy
自分の言葉で外交を行う: practice diplomacy using one's own words