- practice diplomacy using one's own words
自分の言葉で: with one's own words
自分の言葉で話す: speak in words of one's own
自分の言葉で語る: speak naturally in one's own language
外交を行う: conduct diplomacy
自分の言葉: one's own terms
強靱な外交を行う: carry out robust diplomacy
独立外交を行う: pursue independent diplomacy
独自の外交を行う: conduct one's own diplomacy
自分自身の言葉で: in one's own words
2国牽制外交を行う: 1. play one country off against another 2. play two countries against each other
積極的な外交を行う: conduct a proactive foreign policy
自分自身の言葉で歌う: sing in one's own private language
自分の意見を言葉で表す: phrase one's communication
普通の言葉で: 1. en clair 2. in general speech
現地の言葉で: in the local language