日常の言葉で語る: talk about ~ in everyday language〔~を〕 普通の言葉で語る: speak like ordinary people 自分の言葉で: with one's own words 自分の言葉で話す: speak in words of one's own 自分の言葉で外交を行う: practice diplomacy using one's own words 自分の言葉: one's own terms 自分自身の言葉で: in one's own words 自分自身の言葉で歌う: sing in one's own private language 言葉を選んで語る: carefully say 自分の意見を言葉で表す: phrase one's communication 普通の言葉で: 1. en clair 2. in general speech 現地の言葉で: in the local language 絶賛の言葉で: in terms of high praise 賛辞の言葉で: in glowing terms 自分の言葉に気を付ける: 1. be careful about what one says 2. have control over one's own words