- exhibit a mid-and-long-term rise
中長期的な: 1. medium- to long-term 2. mid-and-long term / mid- and long-term / mid [medium] and long term
価格の上昇を示す: show a rise in price
中長期的な見通し: medium- and long-term prospect
中長期的な視点で: in a medium- and long-term perspective
中長期的に: in the long and medium terms
中長期的な地域の安定: middle- and long-term regional stability
中長期的な見通しで: in a medium- and long-term perspective
中長期的な視野から: from a mid- [medium-] to [and] long-term standpoint [viewpoint, perspective, point of view]
中長期的な観点から: from medium- and long-term standpoint [viewpoint, perspective]
劇的な上昇: dramatic upturn
長期的上昇: long-term upswing
中長期的に見れば: in the medium-to-long-term forecast for〔~を〕
中長期的かつ構造的な変化を受ける: undergo both mid-and-long-term changes and structural changes
中長期的な安定を実現させる: support the realization of middle- and long-term stability
中長期的な支援を確実に実施する: steadily implement medium- to longer-term assistance