価格の上昇を抑える: 1. hold the price 2. hold the price up 計画どおりに価格の上昇を抑える: control price increases as planned 価格の上昇 1: advance of prices 価格の上昇 2 advance on the cost of〔~の〕 計画どおりに価格の上昇をコントロールする: control price increases as planned 価格の上昇傾向: hardening of prices 原料価格の上昇: raw material price increase 原油価格の上昇: increase in the price of crude oil 石油価格の上昇: oil price hike 製品価格の上昇: goods inflation 中長期的な上昇を示す: exhibit a mid-and-long-term rise 原油価格の上昇とともに: along with crude prices 体温の上昇を招く: cause high body temperature 価格上昇を生む: create an increase in price 価格の急上昇: 1. price spike 2. rapid rise in price 同様に価格の上昇に直面する: experience the same price increase as〔人と〕