不作法に振る舞う 1: behave awfully 不作法に振る舞う 2 【自動】 1. hog 2. misbehave 彼女は人前でいつも不作法に振る舞うので、たいていの人に嫌われる。: Most people find her distasteful because she is always carrying on in public. 豚のように不作法に振る舞う: behave like a hog 人前で行儀よく振る舞う: behave oneself in public 不作法な振る舞い: 1. bearishness 2. ignorant behavior 3. incorrect behavior 上司の前では気が弱そうに振る舞う: act sheepishly in the presence of one's superiors …みたいに~に振る舞う: make oneself ~ as ごう慢に振る舞う: act all high and mighty へたに振る舞う: acquit oneself badly [ill] まともに振る舞う: behave normally 丁寧に振る舞う: do the pretty 丁重に振る舞う 1: act civilly 丁重に振る舞う 2 be polite to〔人に〕 上品に振る舞う: do the polite 上手に振る舞う: play one's cards right [well] 下品に振る舞う: 1. bear oneself badly 2. behave grossly