対する人権侵害をなくす: eliminate human rights abuses against〔~に〕 方策を講じる 1: 1. take measures 2. take steps 方策を講じる 2 take measures to〔~するための〕 対して方策を講じる: take measures against〔~に〕 秩序維持の方策を講じる: take measures to preserve order 総合的な方策を講じる: take comprehensive action 予防策を講じることで工場での事故をなくすことができる: Precautions in the factory eliminate accidents. ねじれをなくすために: for eliminating distortion 策を講じる: 1. adopt measures 2. get something done 3. skin a cat 人権侵害を止める: stop human rights abuses 人権侵害を犯す: commit human-rights abuses 人々を守るために見合うあらゆる策を講じる: take all appropriate steps to protect people 日米貿易摩擦緩和のために素早く対策を講じる: move quickly to ease trade friction between Japan and the U.S 競争力を持てるような方策を講じる: take steps to make ~ more competitive〔~がもっと〕 借金をなくすために借りる: borrow one's way out of debt 万全の策を講じる: 1. adopt thoroughgoing measures 2. take all possible measures