1. get ahead with one's work 2. get far with work 3. get very far with work 4. make good progress
you have to learn to quieten it , slow it down , so you can work between the beats . それを静める方法を学べば 仕事がはかどる
you have to learn to quieten it , slow it down , so you can work between the beats . それを静める方法を学べば 仕事がはかどる
we find that they work better when they're submerged and covered with leaves . 我が社の見解では 葉っぱで覆うと社員の仕事がはかどるのです
i improved your credit rating , installed a moddedup intel chip to overclock your cpu , and , most importantly 最新のチップに替え 認証も書換えて 仕事がはかどるように 1番重要なのは...
i improved your credit rating , installed a moddedup intel chip to overclock your cpu , and , most importantly 最新のチップに替え 認証も書換えて 仕事がはかどるように 1番重要なのは...
仕事がはかどって: forward with the work ~がはかどる: make good progress with 道がはかどる: 1. going is good 2. make good headway 3. make good progress 仕事がはかどらない: fall behind in one's work 随分勉強がはかどる: make quite a bit of progress in one's studying はかどる: はかどる 捗る to make progress to move right ahead (with the work) to advance はかどる 1: 1. cover ground 2. get along 3. get on 4. make progress 5. speed up progress はかどる 2 go ahead〔仕事などが〕 少しはかどる: make a dent 仕事が思うようにはかどらない。: My work is not progressing as much as I hoped. 道がはかどらない: 1. going is poor 2. make poor headway 3. make poor progress ~がはかどっている: be well up on あちこち助言を求めすぎても、かえって物事がはかどらない。: He that speers all opinions, comes ill speed. 一人旅が最もはかどる。: He travels fastest who travels alone. 仕事のはかどり: advance in a task 仕事をはかどらせる: 1. expedite business 2. speed up one's work