仕事がはかどって: forward with the work
~がはかどる: make good progress with
道がはかどる: 1. going is good 2. make good headway 3. make good progress
仕事がはかどる: 1. get ahead with one's work 2. get far with work 3. get very far with work 4. make good progress
道がはかどらない: 1. going is poor 2. make poor headway 3. make poor progress
~がはびこっている: be infested with〔主語には〕
仕事がはかどらない: fall behind in one's work
随分勉強がはかどる: make quite a bit of progress in one's studying
ちまたでは~がはやっている: People are talking about / Everybody's talking about
ネズミがはびこっている: be infested with rats〔主語には〕
世間では~がはやっている: People are talking about / Everybody's talking about
国中がはまっているもの: national obsession
悪い風邪がはやっている。: A bad cold is going around.
汚職がはびこっている: be rife with corruption
流感がはやっている。: There is a flu bug going around.