式を執り行う: perform a ceremony
儀式を執り行う: 1. carry out a ceremony 2. perform a ceremony
結婚式を執り行う: perform a marriage ceremony
宗教儀式を執り行う: lead a religious ceremony
宗教的な儀式を執り行う: hold a religious ceremony
礼拝式を執り行う 1: conduct a church service〔神父が〕 礼拝式を執り行う 2 conduct a church service〔牧師が〕
品位ある態度で儀式を執り行う: conduct the ceremony in a dignified manner
品位ある様式で儀式を執り行う: conduct the ceremony in a dignified manner
威厳のある態度で儀式を執り行う: conduct the ceremony in a dignified manner
威厳のある様式で儀式を執り行う: conduct the ceremony in a dignified manner
日本人観光客の挙式を執り行う: perform weddings for Japanese tourists
ミサを執り行う 1: conduct a church service〔神父が〕 ミサを執り行う 2 conduct a church service〔牧師が〕
処刑を執り行う: conduct an execution
礼拝を執り行う: celebrate a service
葬儀を執り行う: 1. administer the last rites 2. organize a funeral 3. perform funeral rites