we will now proceed with the issuance of handguns for tono kyoujyou of the 1 ,293rd session . ただ今より 1293期 遠野教場の 拳銃貸与式を執り行う。
when the building of a ship is complete , the master builder holds a ceremony to worship funadama . 船が完成すると棟梁は船霊をまつる儀式を執り行う。
an enthronement is often celebrated with a ceremony called a coronation or an enthronement ceremony . 即位に際して儀式を執り行うことも多く、戴冠式(即位式)と呼ばれる。
the leaders of kakushi nenbutsu , including zenran , are called " zen chishiki " (kalyaana-mitra , a sanskrit word which means a person who offers spiritual friendship and guidance ), and they can read " gosho " (secret books ) and hold the rituals of kakushi nenbutsu . 善鸞などの隠し念仏の善知識と呼ばれる指導者は、『御書』をよむことができ、儀式を執り行う。
a hall for holding ceremonies such as denpo kanjo (the ceremony in which esoteric secrets are transmitted from master to disciple ) and goshichinichi mishiho (a ceremony from the 8th to 14th of the new year , to pray for the peace and safety of the emperor ), there are no statues of buddhas inside . 伝法灌頂(密教の奥義を師匠から弟子へ伝える儀式)、後七日御修法(ごしちにちのみしほ:正月の8日から14日までの間に、天皇の安泰を祈願する儀式)などの儀式を執り行うための堂で、内部には仏像は安置されていない。
任命式を執り行う: hold an investiture 儀式を執り行う: 1. carry out a ceremony 2. perform a ceremony 結婚式を執り行う: perform a marriage ceremony 宗教儀式を執り行う: lead a religious ceremony 宗教的な儀式を執り行う: hold a religious ceremony 礼拝式を執り行う 1: conduct a church service〔神父が〕 礼拝式を執り行う 2 conduct a church service〔牧師が〕 品位ある態度で儀式を執り行う: conduct the ceremony in a dignified manner 品位ある様式で儀式を執り行う: conduct the ceremony in a dignified manner 威厳のある態度で儀式を執り行う: conduct the ceremony in a dignified manner 威厳のある様式で儀式を執り行う: conduct the ceremony in a dignified manner 日本人観光客の挙式を執り行う: perform weddings for Japanese tourists ミサを執り行う 1: conduct a church service〔神父が〕 ミサを執り行う 2 conduct a church service〔牧師が〕 処刑を執り行う: conduct an execution 礼拝を執り行う: celebrate a service 葬儀を執り行う: 1. administer the last rites 2. organize a funeral 3. perform funeral rites