- Their stock price went through the roof after it was announced the company was planning to go public.
y社との合併を発表した後、x社の株価は急騰した。: X's share prices surged after it announced a merger with Y.
会社が発表した強気の利益予想により、株価は急騰した: The bullish earnings projection announced by the company sent share prices through the roof.
その会社は巨額の資金調達を期待して、昨日株式公開の方針を発表しました。: The company is hoping to mine a huge infusion of cash, announcing yesterday its intent to go public.
その会社は新製品を発表した。: The company came out with the new product.
証券会社の得意客がその新規株式公開に一番乗りしました。: The favored brokerage clients were the first people in on the IPO.
そのニュースで会社の株価は暴落した: The news threw the company's stock into a nose drive.
その会社は株式公開を準備しています。: The company is preparing to sell shares to the public.
会社の株式: corporation's stock
株式公開会社: 1. public company 2. public limited company〈英〉〔以前は joint stock company と呼ばれていた◆ 【略】 PLc ; PLC ; plc ; P.L.C.〕 3. public-issue corporation 4. publicly traded enterprises
会長は、株価が12月に底値に達したことを発表した: The chairman announced that the share value touched [hit, reached] (rock) bottom in December.
その会社の株式を追加放出する: sell additional stocks of the company
その会社は不正経理が見つかったと発表した: The company said that it had turned up some improper transactions.
株式公開した: 【形】 publicly-held
株式公開上場会社: public limited company〈英〉〔以前は joint stock company と呼ばれていた◆ 【略】 PLc ; PLC ; plc ; P.L.C.〕
会社の株式を購入した投資家: investor who bought the stock of a company