If you're going to change companies, there has to be some kind of way.
の何らかの説明が必要なら: should someone require any explanation〔人へ〕 本当に~するつもりなら: if someone is indeed going to〔人が〕 本気で~するつもりなら: if someone is indeed going to〔人が〕 2~3回会社を替わった人: person who has changed companies a couple of times 何回か会社を替わった人: person who has changed companies a couple of times 何らかの希望の光は、誰にとっても必要だ。: Everybody needs some kind of ray of hope. 会社を替わるということはもはや恥ずかしいことではない。: There is no stigma in changing jobs anymore. 席を替わる 1: 1. change places (with) 2. change seats with〔~と〕 席を替わる 2 shift seats with〔人と〕 親会社からの取引支援の手紙が必要だ: require a letter of support from the parent company〔保証状の代替として〕 その国の人々には、海外に木材を売り払う代わりとなる何らかの代案が必要だ。: There must be some alternative for people in the country as opposed to selling off the timber abroad. 手だてがある: have a method for〔主語には〕〔~のための〕 手だてが整う: have the makings of〔~の〕 彼はどうするつもりなの?: What does he intend to do about it? 携帯電話の業界に足跡を刻むつもりなら、どの会社も同様の手法をまねるに違いない: Any company that wants to make its mark on the cell-phone [cellular phone, mobile(-phone)] world must follow the same method. 関して何らかの手を打つ: do something about〔~に〕