iwakura died in 1883 , and ito came back to japan as if he was waiting for this , and then he started to work on creation of a constitution . 伊藤は1883年に岩倉の死に合わせるかのようにして帰国して、本格的な憲法制定作業に取り掛かることになった。
法律の改正作業に取り掛かる: start working on amendments to appropriate laws 自分自身を愛する作業に取り掛かる: work on loving oneself ~に取り掛かる: get cracking on すぐに取り掛かる: 1. get busy 2. get right on it〔it は「やるべきこと」を形式的に表している〕 すぐに~に取り掛かる: cut to やっと~に取り掛かる: 1. come round to 2. get around to 代案に取り掛かる: turn to alternatives to〔~するため〕 修理に取り掛かる: go at fixing 問題に取り掛かる: work around 実験に取り掛かる: undertake an experiment 家事に取り掛かる: go about one's household duties 宿題に取り掛かる: start working on one's homework 建設に取り掛かる: proceed with the building 急いで~に取り掛かる: move fast on 残務に取り掛かる: make an attack on a backlog of work