停車する: 1. make a stop 2. pull in
急停車する: 1. bring to a sudden stop 2. come to a sudden [an abrupt] stop [halt] 3. make a sudden stop 4. put apply the emergency brake 5. put on the emergency brake 6. slam on one's brakes 7. stamp on the bra
突然停車する: come to a sudden [an abrupt] stop [halt]
_回停車する: make __ stops
各駅に停車する: stop at every station
暇があれば: 1. when you get a chance 2. when you have a chance
~があれば 1: 1. if someone had 2. if someone has 3. if there is ~があれば 2 【前】 with
事故のために停車する: be held up by an accident
各駅停車に乗車する: take a milk run
土地があれば争いをする。: He that has lands, has quarrels.〔土地の境界線をめぐって、隣接する地主同士が争うことはよくあった。〕
質問があれば(人)に電話する: call someone should one have any questions
問題があれば: in the event of problems
報酬があれば: for a consideration
必要があれば: if circumstances require
折りがあれば: when the opportunity arises [presents itself]