When the light changed the cars shot from the intersection.
私、友達がこちらに来ると、いつも渋谷の交差点に連れていくのが好きで、上の方に立って、信号が変わるのを見てるのよ、それでみんながお互いに交ざり合うのを眺めるの。: When I have friends that come here, I always like to take them to Shibuya crossing, and stand above, and then watch the light change, and then watch everyone converge into each other. 信号が変わるのを待った。: I waited for the light to change. 信号が変わるのを待つ: wait for the traffic light to change 信号が赤になってから交差点を横切る: cross through an intersection after the signal light has turned red 信号が赤になってから交差点を渡る: cross through an intersection after the signal light has turned red 有害ガスが漏れだしたので、住民たちがいっせいに町から脱出した: There was a mass exodus out of town after the gas leak. 信号が変わるのを待つ間に: while waiting for the lights to change いっせいに: いっせいに 一斉に simultaneously all at once 月が変わると: 1. at the beginning of the next month 2. next month 信号が赤になってから交差点を横断する: cross through an intersection after the signal light has turned red その子どもは、駐車してあった車のかげから、道路にさっと飛び出した: The child darted out onto the road from behind the parked car. いっせいに 1: 1. all at once 2. as one man 3. with one voice いっせいに 2 【副】 simultaneously いっせいに 3 in full cry〔猟犬が〕 信号交差点: signalized intersection 光がいっせいに飛び込んでくる様子: burst of light 講演が終わると一団は、いっせいに出口へと押し寄せた: The group moved as one man toward the exit when the speech was over.