although it is common practice nowadays , this was the first film to feature a fight sequence in which two samurai swung their swords down as they passed each other and then suddenly stopped moving as one of them collapsed to the ground and died , and the film also used sound effects to accompany the action in swordfights . 今ではよく見られる演出だが、侍同士の対決シーンで、すれ違いざま刀を振り下ろし、いったん静止して片方が倒れて死ぬという描写や、効果音として刀の斬殺音を使用したのは、本作が最初である。
刺されて死ぬ: die of stab wounds inflicted by〔人に〕 撃たれて死ぬ: be shot and killed by〔~に〕 殴られて死ぬ: be beaten to death つるされて死ぬ: go up 煙にまかれて死ぬ: 1. be asphyxiated by smoke 2. die of smoke inhalation 腕に抱かれて死ぬ: die in the arms of〔~の〕 雷に打たれて死ぬ: be killed by lightning けむに巻かれて死ぬ: 1. be suffocated to death by smoke 2. die from smoke inhalation 実母から虐待されて死ぬ: die of abuse inflicted by someone's birth mother〔人の〕 家族に囲まれて死ぬ: die surrounded by family 対向列車にひかれて死ぬ: be killed by an oncoming train 野ざらしにされて死ぬ: 野ざらしにされて死ぬ v. die of exposure. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 野ざらし) 銃で頭を撃たれて死ぬ: die from a gunshot wound to the head 残して死ぬ: be taken from〔~を〕 若くて死ぬ: 1. die at a young age 2. die at an early age