_ドルの預金をする: make a $__ deposit
年収の_%まで(人)が401(k)退職金制度に貯金する額と同額の拠出金を支払う: match up to __% of someone's annual eligible earnings for every dollar someone defer to someone's 401(k) Plan〔人の〕
と同額の: …と同額の as much as ...∥ She contributed as much money as I did. 彼女は私と同額の金を寄付した. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 同額)
多額の預金: substantial savings
多額の預金を持っている: hold large deposits with〔~に〕
投入額と産出額の比率: ratio by value of input to output
合計と同額の損害を確定する: set the amount of the damages to be equal to the total sum of〔~の〕
定期特別賞与の金額は1カ月分の給与と同額とする: The amount of fixed bonus is equal to one month basic salary.《就業規則》
貯金額と(100%)同額を拠出する: make a company match contribution equal to 100% of every dollar someone contributes〔会社が(人)の退職金口座へ〕〔人の〕
箪笥預金をする: keep [have, hide] one's money under [in] the mattress
多額の借金をする: take out heavy loans
同額の: of the same amount
相当額の預金引き出し: substantial withdrawals of deposits
銀行カードを使って_回にわたって少額の預金を引き出す: make __ small cash withdrawals with someone's ATM card〔人の〕
総借入額: whole amount borrowed