The amount of fixed bonus is equal to one month basic salary.《就業規則》
1カ月分の給料没収: forfeit of pay for one month 特別賞与: 1. bonus 2. extra bonus 3. special bonus 貯金額と(100%)同額を拠出する: make a company match contribution equal to 100% of every dollar someone contributes〔会社が(人)の退職金口座へ〕〔人の〕 給与の_%分の賞与をもらう: receive a bonus equivalent to __% of one's salary _カ月分の給料に相当するボーナス: bonus equivalent of __ salary 1カ月分の小遣い: monthly allowance 記載の金額と一致する: correspond to the value shown in [on]〔~に〕 記載の金額と合致する: correspond to the value shown in [on]〔~に〕 基本給の_カ月分の賞与をもらう: receive a bonus equivalent to __ months' base pay 基本給の_カ月分の賞与を受け取る: receive a bonus equivalent to __ months' base pay 借入額と同額の預金をする: 【形】 back-to-back 給与の_%分の賞与を受け取る: receive a bonus equivalent to __% of one's salary かなりの給与と従業員手当を支給する: offer a good salary and employee benefits 余分の金額: extra amount 実際は雇っていない政策秘書の給与としてその金を得る: obtain the money as the salary for a fictitious secretary