借金して借金を返すなんてことは続かないよ: You can't continue robbing Peter to pay Paul. 昔の借金を返す: pay for a dead horse 働いて借金を返済する: work one's debts off 大学を中退して借金を返済する: left college to pay back the debt 口座自動引き落としによって借金を返す: repay a loan with an electronic withdrawal ギャンブルの借金を返す: pay off one's gambling debts 債権者に借金を返す: pay off a creditor 少しずつ借金を返す: ratchet down the debt 借金をしている: 1. be in debt 2. be involved in debt 利子を付けて借金を返済する: pay a debt with interest 夫は借金を返すためにずっと二つの仕事をしている: My husband holds down two jobs to pay off his debt. 借金を返して家を建てる: pay all of one's debts and build a house 借金をしない: be not to debt 借金を返済する: 1. clear oneself of debt 2. make satisfaction for a debt 3. pay (off) one's debt / repay one's debt 4. pay back a debt クレジットカード会社に借金を返す: pay back a debt to the credit card company