借金して家を建てる: go into debt to build a house 家を建てる: 家を建てる うちをたてる to build one's house 念願の家を建てる: build the home of one's dreams 新しい家を建てる: put up a new house 木造の家を建てる: build a house of wood 設計で家を建てる: construct a house after someone's design〔人の〕 _日で家を建てる: build a house in __ days たくさんの紙と木を使って家を建てるやり方: the way the houses are built with a lot of paper and wood たくさんの紙と木を使って家を建てる方法: the way the houses are built with a lot of paper and wood 借金をして借金を返す: rob Peter to pay Paul イギリス風の家を建てる: build a British-style house レンガ造りの家を建てる: build a brickhouse 家を建てる準備をする: make ready to build a house 自分の土地に家を建てる: put a house in one's place 自分の敷地に家を建てる: put a house in one's place